Velvet Underground
"The Professor Tapes"
Volume Six
Praise Ye The Lord
01. Head Held High (3:14)
02. I'm Set Free (4:19)
03. Run Run Run (7:30)
04. Candy Says (3:58)
05. That's The Story Of My Life (2:10)
06. Train Round The Bend / Oh! Sweet Nuthin' (16:27)
1, 6: 2nd Fret, Philadelphia, May 1970 / 2, 3: Boston Tea Party, 10/1/69
4: Boston Tea Party, 12/12/68 / 5: Boston Tea Party, 13/3/69
"The Professor Tapes"
Volume Six
Praise Ye The Lord
01. Head Held High (3:14)
02. I'm Set Free (4:19)
03. Run Run Run (7:30)
04. Candy Says (3:58)
05. That's The Story Of My Life (2:10)
06. Train Round The Bend / Oh! Sweet Nuthin' (16:27)
1, 6: 2nd Fret, Philadelphia, May 1970 / 2, 3: Boston Tea Party, 10/1/69
4: Boston Tea Party, 12/12/68 / 5: Boston Tea Party, 13/3/69